Our plans are organized first by a Main Category (American, British, French, etc), and secondly by a Sub Style (Cape Code, Acadian, etc).
You may use the filter tools on the Plan Search Page to narrow down your selections based on your preferred home style. Take note, that most plans can be modified to that
American Coastal homes prioritize ocean breezes, sunlight, and sea views. They often feature large, wraparound porches, ample windows, and light, airy color palettes. Weather-resistant materials, like cedar shingles or composite siding, help these homes endure salty air and storms.
With coastal vacation spots booming in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, builders designed breezy escapes that merged indoor and outdoor living. Over time, the style diversified across various regions (New England, the Gulf Coast, the West Coast), adapting to local climates yet keeping the relaxed seaside ethos intact.