Our plans are organized first by a Main Category (American, British, French, etc), and secondly by a Sub Style (Cape Code, Acadian, etc).
You may use the filter tools on the Plan Search Page to narrow down your selections based on your preferred home style. Take note, that most plans can be modified to that
Acadian homes are typically one-story or story-and-a-half cottages with steeply pitched roofs extending over front porches. Constructed of local materials like cypress, they often feature simple layouts, a central fireplace, and shuttered windows for storm protection.
Developed in southern Louisiana and southeastern Canada by French settlers known as Acadians (later “Cajuns”), these houses were built to withstand flooding and heat. The style dates back to the 18th century, with expansions following forced migrations. Today, Acadian houses remain a proud marker of Cajun heritage and regional resilience.