Our plans are organized first by a Main Category (American, British, French, etc), and secondly by a Sub Style (Cape Code, Acadian, etc).
You may use the filter tools on the Plan Search Page to narrow down your selections based on your preferred home style. Take note, that most plans can be modified to that
French Country homes blend rustic farmhouse elements with refined, old-world detailing. Exteriors may feature stone or stucco, gently sloping roofs, and graceful lines. Interiors emphasize casual elegance, with exposed beams, warm wood tones, and welcoming hearths.
Inspired by the rural manors of Provence and Normandy, this style became popular in North America during the 20th century as homeowners sought a relaxed, European feel. Its timeless balance of comfort and sophistication continues to make French Country a beloved choice for both suburban and rural settings.