Our plans are organized first by a Main Category (American, British, French, etc), and secondly by a Sub Style (Cape Code, Acadian, etc).
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“Shotgun” house is a narrow, rectangular residence typically characterized by rooms arranged in a straight line, with one room leading directly into the next, usually without hallways. This layout gives the home its name, as it was humorously said that one could fire a shotgun through the front door and the shot would exit the back door without hitting any walls. These houses are especially prevalent in the Southern United States—particularly New Orleans—where their compact footprint fit easily on small urban lots.
This style gained prominence in the late 19th to early 20th centuries due to ease of construction, efficient use of urban land, and affordability. French carpentry methods and layout concepts influenced the design, which was practical for warm climates by allowing breezes to flow from front to back.