Our plans are organized first by a Main Category (American, British, French, etc), and secondly by a Sub Style (Cape Code, Acadian, etc).
You may use the filter tools on the Plan Search Page to narrow down your selections based on your preferred home style. Take note, that most plans can be modified to that
The French West Indies house style, seen in islands like Martinique and Guadeloupe, merges French building practices with Caribbean climate adaptations. Steeply pitched or hipped roofs, wooden shutters, wraparound porches, and airy floor plans help cool interior spaces.
This style dates to the colonial era, when French settlers had to contend with tropical storms and sweltering heat. Over time, the bright colors, louvered openings, and elevated living spaces became hallmarks of Creole heritage. The look remains a vibrant testament to cultural fusion and Caribbean resilience.